Kr̥ṣṇaprēmamayī rādhā rādhāprēmamayō hariḥ |
Jīvanēna dhanē nityaṁ rādhākr̥ṣṇagatirmama ||
Meaning: Sri Radharani takes pleasure in Lord Sri Krishna and Lord Sri Krishna enjoys Sri Radharani, therefore every moment of my life should be spent in the shelter of Sri Radha-Krishna. (1)
Kr̥ṣṇasya draviṇaṁ rādhā rādhāyāḥ draviṇaṁ hariḥ |
Jīvanēna dhanē nityaṁ rādhākr̥ṣṇagatirmama. || (2)
Meaning: Lord Sri Krishna's full wealth is Sri Radharani and Sri Radharani's full wealth is Sri Krishna, therefore every moment of my life should be spent in the shelter of Sri Radha-Krishna. (2)
Kr̥ṣṇaprāṇamayī rādhā rādhāprāṇamayō hariḥ |
Jīvanēna dhanē nityaṁ rādhākr̥ṣṇagatirmama || (3)
Meaning: The life of Lord Sri Krishna resides in the heart of Sri Radharani and the life of Sri Radharani resides in the heart of Lord Sri Krishna, therefore every moment of my life should be spent in the shelter of Sri Radha-Krishna. (3)
Kr̥ṣṇadravāmayī rādhā rādhādravāmayō hariḥ |
Jīvanēna dhanē nityaṁ rādhākr̥ṣṇagatirmama || (4)
Meaning: Sri Radharani is pleased in the name of Lord Sri Krishna and Lord Sri Krishna is pleased in the name of Sri Radharani, therefore every moment of my life should be spent in the shelter of Sri Radha-Krishna. (4)
Kr̥ṣṇa gēhē sthitā rādhā rādhā gēhē sthitō hariḥ |
Jīvanēna dhanē nityaṁ rādhākr̥ṣṇagatirmama || (5)
Meaning: Sri Radharani resides in the body of Lord Sri Krishna and Lord Sri Krishna resides in the body of Sri Radharani, therefore every moment of my life should be spent in the shelter of Sri Radha-Krishna. (5)
Kr̥ṣṇacittasthitā rādhā rādhācitsthitō hariḥ |
Jīvanēna dhanē nityaṁ rādhākr̥ṣṇagatirmama || (6)
Meaning: Lord Sri Krishna resides in the mind of Sri Radharani and Sri Radharani resides in the mind of Lord Sri Krishna, therefore every moment of my life should be spent in the shelter of Sri Radha-Krishna. (6)
Nīlāmbarā dharā rādhā pītāmbarō dharō hariḥ |
Jīvanēna dhanē nityaṁ rādhākr̥ṣṇagatirmama || (7)
Meaning: Sri Radharani wears blue colored clothes and Lord Sri Krishna wears yellow colored clothes, so every moment of my life should be spent in the shelter of Sri Radha-Krishna. (7)
Vr̥ndāvanēśvarī rādhā kr̥ṣṇō vr̥ndāvanēśvaraḥ |
Jīvanēna dhanē nityaṁ rādhākr̥ṣṇagatirmama || (8)
Meaning: Sri Radharani is the owner of Vrindavan and Lord Sri Krishna is the master of Vrindavan, therefore every moment of my life should be spent in the shelter of Sri Radha-Krishna. (8)